Sunday, May 30, 2010

White Witch, Black Curse (The Hollows, Book 7)

Back cover summary:

Kick-ass bounty hunter and witch Rachel Morgan has crossed forbidden lines, taken demonic hits and still stands.  But the death of her lover struck her harder than she ever thought possible.  She won't rest until his murder is solved and avenged.  But a new predator is moving to the apex of the Inderlander food chain--and now Rachel's past is coming back to haunt her. Literally.

Review (warning spoilers!):

Hmmm. For sure White witch, black curse is not the best book in the Rachel Morgan series but it is definitely a must read for fans.  What I didn't like about this book was that it felt contrived.  It's like Kim Harrison had run out of ideas and so she started inventing stuff (fantasy of a fantasy).

Here is a list of what I did not like about this installment:

1.  Ivy gave her wish from the leprechaun to a banshee? Yeah, right. This was the wish from the very first book that she was so secretive about. 
2. Pierce.  I don't like Pierce.  He absolutely had no chemistry with Rachel.  I agree with Jenks about his creepiness.
3.  Marshall gave up on Rachel too easily.  It's like Kim Harrison got tired of him suddenly then decided to get rid of him in the next page.
4.  The big reveal about Kisten's death.  Really?  I was saluting her before for having the guts to kill a major character off but the big revelation about why he died is just not good enough.  It was too senseless, too wasteful.

Now, this is what I liked:

1. Al.  I love Al.  He is hands down the most interesting character in this book, even more interesting than Rachel herself.
2. Trent.  He appeared only at the end but it was interesting.
4. No more Marshall.  Good riddance.
4. The flashbacks.  I love Rachel's flashbacks as her mind recovered from forgetting about Kisten's death.
5. Kisten's death.  I liked the "how he died" in contrast to the "why he died".  I liked that he remembered loving Rachel and that he tried to save her killing himself in the process.  If he died for a better reason, it would have been great dramatic moment.

I am addicted to the Rachel Morgan series and this installment  was enough to make me come back for more!

Rating: *****

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